Tyrolean stone pine fireplace

Tyrolean stone pine fireplace

The Tyrolean pine wood fireplace developed by me is unique
in its functioning.
The air in the Zirbenkamin is heated by the candle flame and rises with increasing speed in the conical Zirbenkamin.
It saturates with the essential oils of pine wood. The pleasant scent of Swiss stone pine spreads quickly in the room.
In connection with the one used in the Zirbenkamin humidifier arises pleasant and soothing Indoor climate.

Humidifier in stainless steel

As a functional extension is a Verdunster used in addition to the above-described positive effects of the pine hearth, the humidity increases the room and thus ensures a breathable climate even in the heating season.
The Verdunster consists of a stainless steel water reservoir into which five pine rods are inserted and hung in the stone pine chimney.

Function of the humidifier

The air in the Zirbenkamin becomes through the candle flame
(this has about 40-45 W power) and warms up.

The water in the stainless steel vessel is using the
Capillary action through whichpinosylvin containing Swiss pine
Core wood rods, transported upwards.
The rising airstream sweeps around the wet,
rough sawnSwiss pine heartwood bars, saturates with it
humidity and the essential oils of pine wood and flows into the Living room ,
In Swiss stone pine is up to 0.5% Pinosylvin contain. Pinosylvin works strong antibacterial It prevents bacteria and fungi from damaging the trees.

Relieve sleeping disorders

The beneficial properties of the essential oils of stone pine on human stress and recovery have now been confirmed in a scientific study commissioned by an international research program.
(Source: Forschungsgesellschaft Johanneum Research Graz)

Insect protection

In contrast, pine wood is less popular with insects. The scent of the pine wood and the wood contained Pinosylvin is shunned by insects.
Cabinets made of Swiss stone pine is the best moth protection.
They are excellent for storing food, especially bread, fruits and vegetables.
It stays fresh longer and the infestation of mold and fruit flies is greatly reduced by the Pinosylvin contained in the wood.

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